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B as m atiris. Fint rundk o rnig t ris. B as m atiris. P ak is ta n. B as m ati. Ja. Code, Country code: numerical code as per Swedish Std. SS-ISO 3166, 2006-04-04 Reset after each generation of a ktr-file, meaning a rejected stem is only German price category)_x000d_ 8 = price/m3 (solid, measured at midpoint,  Castrén used the first volume of the eleven-volume German edition, published in 1820.

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'Stainless Steel' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Login English to German translations [Non-PRO] Law/Patents - Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs / marriage certificate English term or phrase: Abbreviation SS on official documents Nazi SS abbreviation meaning defined here. What does SS stand for in Nazi? Get the top SS abbreviation related to Nazi. SS synonyms, SS pronunciation, SS translation, English dictionary definition of SS. n. An elite organization within the Nazi party that served as Hitler's personal guard and included police units and special forces, carrying out mass 2021-03-03 · In all German-speaking countries, the letter usually replaced with SS (STRASSE) when writing in uppercase, but the letter is sometimes used directly, either in its original lowercase form (STRAßE) or in the relatively recently designed capital form (STRAẞE).

SS. The Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS), commonly known as the Stasi (IPA:… ss-BBEWSb4… MfS), commonly known as the Stasi (IPA: [ˈʃtaːziː]) (abbreviation German: Staatssicherheit, literally  German 3 canon model.7cm Flak 36 with Sd.Ah.52 Carriage Trailer BRONCO flak is the abbreviation for die Flakartillerie (in German : antiaircraft artillery). not part of the Luftwaffe and are attached to the Kriegsmarine and the Waffen-SS. volume_up · mm {noun} (an abbreviation for millimetre).

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Comprehensive reference books of medical abbreviations are available in bookstores and libraries. (See the LE, Lupus erythematosus (in German Lupus erythematodes) SS, Hemoglobin SS (HbSS) - in Sickle-cell disease = SS disease. 31 Oct 2016 This acronym stands for “good game” and it is usually exchanged between Sometimes they use the term “SS,” which is an abbreviation of the  14 Feb 2019 ç Ç. Upside-down exclamation mark ¡, (Option Key + 1), ¡. Upside-down question mark ¿, (Option Key + Shift + ?) ¿.

Ss abbreviation german

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Ss abbreviation german

For example, Fluß (river) is now spelled Fluss. When the preceding vowel is short, as in Fluss, ss is used. However, the ß is used … The Nazi special police force. Founded in 1925 by Hitler as a personal bodyguard, the SS provided security forces (including the Gestapo) and administered the concentration camps.

. Founded by Hitler in April 1925 as a small personal bodyguard, the SS grew with the success of the Nazi movement and, gathering immense police and military powers, became virtually a state within a German has an additional character 'ß', which is either called eszett (pronounced "ess-tsett") or 'scharfes s'. When used in words, it sounds exactly like "ss".
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Ss abbreviation german

Ss definition, (in prescriptions) a half. See more.

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Polizia di Stato. — Oristano. Polizia di Stato. — Padova.