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Slut för i år... - BLUR -

Allows scrubbing and polishing for an ultra-smooth finish Premium performance, even in harsh environments. Maintains protection even after hauling Consult International Paint for alternative methods of surface preparation. Repair corroded areas with the recommended anticorrosive primer system and apply Interspeed 5992 within the overcoating interval specified for the primer (consult relevant primer data sheets). Consult your International Paint representative for specific recommendations.

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Atlantis Petrol Ürünleri Ltd. Şti. Anasayfa · Hakkımızda · Marine Boyaları · Balast Tank  Краски «Ultra EU», «Ultra 300» и «Interspeed Ultra» могут наноситься друг на друга после высыхания каждого предыдущего слоя в течение времени,  Cimri'de! İnternational Zehirli Boya En Ucuz fiyat avantajı ve indirim seçenekleri'da. İNTERNATİONAL İNTERSPEED ULTRA ZEHİRLİ BOYA 2,5L. INTERNATIONAL - Zehirli Boya - Interspeed Ultra - Lacivert. INTERNATIONAL. Ürün Kodu: 6092181.

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International Ultra 300 is International's ultimate hard antifouling for 1-year protection. Buy the updated and approved 2018 Ultra 300 formula online today. Unwanted gift!!

International interspeed ultra

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International interspeed ultra

International Interspeed 340 is in het bijzonder geschikt voor de beroepsvaart, maar ook voor schepen die droogvallen. International Interspeed Extra Antifouling.

469kr International Cruiser Polishing Antifouling 2.5L. 679kr · Billigast International Ultra 300 2.5L. 1785kr. Slippa bottenfärg utan damm · P_Martinsson svarade P_Martinsson i MotorbåtSnack. Det sitter International Interspeed Ultra 2 på och i mina  Det sitter International Interspeed Ultra 2 på och i mina ögon så ser botten fin ut, utan sprickor eller ojämnheter.
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International interspeed ultra

Always read the label and product information before use. International Interspeed Ultra 2 - High performance, high strength Antifouling solution for fast power craft : available in all sizes at great prices at International Interspeed Ultra offers protection in the highest fouling conditions where a hard, scrubbable antifouling is required. Ideal for fast powerboats. No longer just extra strong, a new, improved formula makes this superior antifouling ultra strong.

Interspeed Ultra 2 is a premium hard antifouling offering protection even in the highest fouling conditions, making it the ideal product for fast power boats. International Interspeed 640 Antifoulings - TBT Free Polishing Antifouling. Find out more.
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as used on princess models from 2014 onwards. ( Due to health and safety restrictions this  Once you've identified the International antifouling that's most suitable, if you have an existing coating on your hull International Paint Ltd. Interspeed Ultra 2.

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International Interspeed extra anitifouling: Arend A. on 01/28/2018: Bevalt prima: SUPER: t s. on 12/13/2017: DE VERF EN DE ONDERSTEUNING ZIJN TOP VAN INTERNATIONAL: interspeed: T. S. on 11/08/2017: keihard: gebruik: Gerhard v. on 11/08/2017: Gebruik dit al jaren op diverse snelle boten, smeert goed en blijft er best een jaar of 3 opzitten en z Ultra 300 is our ultimate hard antifouling, providing 1-year protection ideal for powerboats or any streamlined yacht, even in the harshest fouling conditions. *Use antifouling paints safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Use antifouling paints safely. Always read the label and product information before use.