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702, TR, HABIB BANK LIMITED, HABBTRIS. 703, TR, HSBC BANK Mar 11, 2016 322, FI, DANSKE BANK A/S HELSINKI BRANCH, DABAFIHX 909, 873, MX, BANCO SANTANDER (MEXICO), BMSXMXMM, N. 910, 874, MX BANCO BENEFICIARIO : BMSXMXMM BANCO SANTANDER S.A. Selon les petites recherches que j'ai faite, cette procédure s'applique à BMSXMXMM BANCO SANTANDER (MEXICO) S.A. BSCHESMM. BSCHCLRM BANCO DABADKKK DANSKE BANK A/S DABADKKK. DABAFIHX DANSKE Feb 29, 2012 PANAMERICAN PORT SERVICES JANUARY INVOICE S NCO SANTANDER ( MExICO ID:BMSxMxMM PMT DET:AXPXFXBO. AX. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W. 1, Структура оборота валют по основным показателям внутреннего валютного рынка и рынка ПФИ. 2, в сентябре 2020 года (млн Mar 4, 2019 303, 290, FI, DANSKE BANK A/S HELSINKI BRANCH, DABAFIHX 865, 830, MX, BANCO SANTANDER MEXICO, BMSXMXMM, N. 866, 831 Oct 20, 2017 Note: Extended abstracts that do not conform to the specified instructions will be returned to the author(s). BMSXMXMM.
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SWIFT codes for all branches of BANCO SANTANDER (MEXICO), S.A., INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE, GRUPO FINANCIERO SANTANDER. Swift codes. Business Identifier Codes (BIC codes) for thousands of banks and financial institutions in more than 210 countries. BANCO: BMSXMXMM BANCO SANTADER S.A. SWIFT: BMSXMXMM UNIVERSIDAD DE COLIMA SECRETARIA DE INVESTIGACION CUENTA : 65-500797961 CLABE : 014090655007979611 IMPORTANT: In order to obtain a receipt, please send an email to with subject: PAYMENT FOR FLASY 2015 and include you deposit slip. How to get to Manzanillo? Banco Santander (México), S.A. (formerly Banco Mexicano) is a commercial bank that provides banking and credit services to private and corporate clients in Mexico.
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