Full list of synonyms for Janus-faced is here. Check out the new Krypton Season 1 Episode 6 clip starring Ann Ogbomo! Let us know what you think in the comments below. Learn more about this show on Rotte 1000万語収録!Weblio辞書 - Janus-faced とは【意味】(Janus のように)顔の二つある,二心のある 【例文】a Janus-faced policy 「Janus-faced」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書 This Janus-faced nature of science is, of necessity, governed by a pact of mutual obligation with society--one that offers support, intellectual autonomy, and substantial cultural authority to the practitioners of science and technology in return for greater control over the unknown and intervention in the ills that plague humankind. In much of the developing world, states are Janus-faced: as instruments of coercion and control they are supremely [] powerful; as agents of protection and development they are profoundly weak.

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1. having two faces, one looking forward, one looking backward, as the Roman deity Janus. 2. having two contrasting aspects, as the alternation of mood in a capricious person. 3. two-faced; deceitful. 4.

having two contrasting aspects, as the alternation of mood in a capricious person. Janus-faced synonyms, Janus-faced pronunciation, Janus-faced translation, English dictionary definition of Janus-faced. adj.

The Janus Faced Scholar: A Festschrift in Honour of Peter Ingwersen. / Larsen, Birger (Editor); Schneider, Jesper Wiborg (Editor); Åström, Fredrik (Editor). Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi (Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen); ISSI, 2010.

Janus faced

Janus faced

2. having two contrasting aspects, as the alternation … The Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor Tiam1: A Janus-faced Molecule in Cellular Signaling Cell Signal. 2014 Mar;26(3):483-91. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2013.11.034. Epub 2013 Dec 2. Authors P Boissier 1 , U Huynh-Do 2 Affiliations 1 Department of Nephrology, Hypertension and Synonyms for Janus-faced in Free Thesaurus.

Contents. 1 English.
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Janus faced

Find more similar words at 2019-02-13 Janus-faced - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. This Janus-faced nature of science is, of necessity, governed by a pact of mutual obligation with society--one that offers support, intellectual autonomy, and substantial cultural authority to the practitioners of science and technology in return for greater control over the unknown and intervention in the ills that plague humankind. 2013-07-01 2015-10-20 This Janus-faced ngontang helmet mask covers the full head of its wearer and is carved from a single block of wood.

(ˈdʒeinəsˌfeist) adjective. 1.
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More 100 Janus-faced synonyms. What are another words for Janus-faced?

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1. having two faces, one looking forward, one looking backward, as the Roman deity Janus. 2.