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AMBIO, was founded in 1972, the year of the first UN Conference on the Environment which was held in Stockholm, Sweden. The journal is a nonprofit publication of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Ambio addresses the scientific, social, economic, and cultural factors that influence the condition of the human environment. Home Journals Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment Research Outputs. LUNARC, Centre for Scientific and Technical Computing at Lund University.
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Niels Martin Schmidt On-line publication upon acceptance. • Hard copy Scientific basis for the START report. • START report is Volume 49, issue 9 articles listing for Ambio. issues; Volume 49, issue 9. Search within journal.
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Ambio ”Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding”, Hydrological Science Journal, Vol. Scientific publications from the Bird Ringing Centre Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki. Boström, J. E. Ambio 32, 463-468.
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Ambio - A Journal of Environment and Society is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twelve times a year by Springer Science+Business Media on The ISO4 abbreviation of Ambio is Ambio . Ambio. Journal Profile. Ambio | Academic Accelerator - About the Journal. About.
Ambio - A Journal of Environment and Society is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published twelve times a year by Springer Science+Business Media on behalf of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It was established in 1972. The editor-in-chief is Bo Söderström (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences). Volumes and issues listings for Ambio. November 2014, issue 7; October 2014, issue 6; September 2014, issue 5; May 2014, issue 4
You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please send feedback. Ambio. A Journal of Environment and Society Over 10 million scientific
The journal is a nonprofit publication of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
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scientific publications and to publications that are not immediately accessible to the reader. In the reference list All authors’ names up to 8 should be given.
Rapportnummer: A1742. Författare: Peringe Grennfelt, John Munthe.
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Impact factor. 2.025 (2011). Some content from The AMBIO Special Issue. Niels Martin Schmidt On-line publication upon acceptance. • Hard copy Scientific basis for the START report. • START report is Volume 49, issue 9 articles listing for Ambio. issues; Volume 49, issue 9.