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PL Tones Sorted By Code Code Frequency Code 5kHz - 51 CTCSS tones and 83 DCS codes. Black straps with hook loop for general use. and it is excellent for water absorption and ventilation. 2008-2013 GMC Automode, Step, CTCSS, DCS, IF bandwidth, Squelch mode, P25NAC, DMR Slot, DMR color code, squelch mode(LSQ/NSQ), voice squelch, Notch, RF Gain, För enkel repeateråtkomst, eller tyst övervakning av upptagna kanaler, är både CTCSS och DCS (Digital Code Squelch) Encoder/Decoder-kretsar inbyggda. Moderna apparater använder så kallade subtoner (CTCSS), 38 stycken Men så finns det något som heter (DCS) Incorporates codes. CTCSS Codes 1. Frekvensområde 446.00625446.03125 MHz. Frekvens max 446.03125 MHz. Batterityp 6x AAA/LR03 Automatic Channel Scan Nej. Skriv ut.
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3. 1 eller 5W uteffekt. 4. 128 minneskanaler. 5. Inbyggda 50 CTCSS och 104 DCS toner.
CTCSS Codes 1. Frekvensområde 446.00625446.03125 MHz. Frekvens max 446.03125 MHz. Batterityp 6x AAA/LR03 Automatic Channel Scan Nej. Skriv ut. Apparaterna har subton, CTCSS för TX och eller RX. Up to 1020 scrambling codes (4 groups ×255 codes) with divided frequency rolling system, or 32 142privacy codes (38 CTCSS codes/ 104 DCS codes) and comes complete with 2 rechargeable lithium ion battery packs.
ESR Repeater information
Privacy code 38 is CTCSS with a 250.3 Hz tone, privacy code 39 is DCS using code 023. The MT351R has 121 privacy codes, 38 CTCSS tones, and 83 DCS codes.
SVENSKA Pilotton (CTCSS) Du kan välja CTCSS (Continuous Tone Code Squelch System) är en s.k underbandston som fungerar som ett filter. Om du och ANI CODE. 2. Röstförvrängare. 3. 1 eller 5W uteffekt.
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GMRS/FRS radios offering CTCSS codes typically provide a choice of 38 tones, but the tone number and the tone frequencies used may vary from one manufacturer to another (or even within product lines of one manufacturer) and should not be assumed to be consistent (i.e.
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CTCSS is an analog system. A later Digital-Coded Squelch (DCS) system was developed by Motorola under the trademarked name Digital Private Line (DPL).
I remember back in the 90's my local repeater had a tone on the output, but also passed through a tone from the input. It caused the to CTCSS tones to mix and 'beat' with each other, with horrible results.
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en maakt het mogelijk om met meerdere gebruikers een frequentie te delen. Keep in mind that this feature doesn/’/t actually protect your privacy.
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You have all the right software developers in the conference room, ready to pore over the project's code. But now& what do you do? We share tips from experienced programmers. By Esther Schindler CIO | Several other articles in this series o An SMS code is a shortened phone number used to send text messages.