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Student/ Receptarieprogrammet /HS - MUEP - Malmö universitet

b : a structure or tissue (as of a fungus or fern) bearing spores or sporangia. noun. an object that holds something; container. botany.

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It's not clear to me what you mean by "failing to support or justify itself". Could you provide an example of a principle that does what you're saying the verification  Alternative form of receivable. receptary. (obsolete) Generally or popularly admitted or received. receiverless. Without a receiver. Examples: “The pay phone on  Receptarea Antichitatii Greco-Latine in Culturile Europene.

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Receptarier definition. Receptarier pronunciation.

Receptarier meaning

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Receptarier meaning

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1. having the quality of receiving, taking in, or admitting. 2. able or quick to receive knowledge, ideas, etc.
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Definitions of Receptarie, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Receptarie, analogical dictionary of Receptarie (Swedish) Farmaceut är ett samlingsnamn för personer som läst farmaci vid universitet i Sverige: farmacie kandidat, farmacie magister, samt yrkesexamina receptarie (3 år)  Svensk-engelsk ordbok för den högre utbildningen. Klickbara termer innehåller mer information.

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