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You can also access this section from the product page for which you are looking for support. Kanda AVRISP software is now available as a Free download. This software package supports all Kanda parallel port programmers supplied with Atmel and Kanda STK200 kits. It also supports most clones. This software is 32-bit only. Outside of Europe, Kanda is strong in USA, Canada, Brazil and other South American countries. We also supply our products further afield in Russia, Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and India.
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In fact, wherever you are in the world, you can rely on Kanda. Kanda supply training kits throughout the world, to universities, colleges and schools. Our training products are also very popular with people who want to learn new skills at home or work. Our range covers PIC, AVR and ST7 microcontrollers, PLDs, FPGAs and more specialist applications such as CAN, Ethernet, wireless and USB. Kanda is a font designer that since 2012 has created 2 free fonts.

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