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If you are in a course or program that uses AMA, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the style not just for classroom assignments, but in order to better understand the research language of the field. AMA Citation Handout (PDF): a three-page quick guide to citing in AMA format. Every time you quote or paraphrase someone else’s work, you must tell us: who wrote the work; what is it called; and where can we find a copy.

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ANNOUNCEMENT: New Edition now available. AMA's Style Guide is updated to the 11th edition as of January 2020. Access to both the 10th and 11th editions will be available by clicking on the link and selecting the edition needed. manual owes a great deal: the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition.

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The document is one page, double sided.

AMA's Style Guide is updated to the 11th edition as of January 2020. Access to both the 10th and 11th editions will be available by clicking on the link and selecting the edition needed. manual owes a great deal: the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition. We look forward to receiving further suggestions for improving this manual.
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