The Pragmatic Argument. The easy response to Dworkin is to reject his claim on pragmatic grounds. Se hela listan på philosophynow.org GELD DWOIN • Paternalism 181 . Paternalism .

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In: Dworkin, G (ed.) The Theory and Practice of Autonomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,   5 Oct 2018 paternalism (Dworkin 2014; Archard unpublished). Between legal paternalism ( interference for the sake of individuals' physical welfare), moral  17 May 2019 A paternalistic act is one in which an individual or institution interferes with Gerald Dworkin (2002), writing for The Stanford Encyclopedia of  define “paternalism,” it should be clear that in philosophical discourse this is a nonissue. (for a contrary view see Dworkin 2013; and see also Scoccia, this  or the good of others (impure paternalism). Note that paternalism is ALWAYS in direct tension with autonomy.

While impure paternalism tries to protect an individual by putting restrictions on one’s independence.

Det är autonomin till valet i sig som spelar roll. En sådan utilitaristisk tolkning kan därmed stå som argument mot paternalism då den i argumentationen hittills just skulle underminerar individens autonomi.

Dworkin paternalism

Dworkin paternalism

Dworkin’s ‘rough’ definition of paternalism “By paternalism I shall understand roughly the interference with a person’s liberty of action justified by reasons referring exclusively to the welfare, good, happiness, needs, interests or values of the person being coerced.” (p. Dworkin On Paternalism.

Paternalism . GERALD DWORKIN . Gerald Dworkin, professor of philosophy at the Universiy of California-Davis, examines John Stuart Mill's objections to intefering with a person's liberty on paternalistic grounds-that is, in order to promote the person's own good or happiness. 2020-09-16 2. Gerald Dworkin, "Paternalism," in Philosophy of Law, ed. Joel Feinberg and Hyman Gross (Encino, Calif.: Dickenson Publishing Co., 1975); and Joel Feinberg, "Legal Paternalism," Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1971): 105 -24. (The quote from Feinberg in this paragraph occurs on p.
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Dworkin paternalism

Outline of Dworkin on Paternalism (in James White text). Paternalism = limitations on personal freedom or choice, done to benefit the person. Paternalism syftar vanligtvis på en attityd eller princip som "trampar" på en annans persons vilja eller åsikt. Paternalism bygger på antagandet att en person med makt ser till de beskyddades väl och är mer förmögen att främja detta än de beskyddade själva.

Neither one person, nor any number of persons is warranted in saying to another human creature of ripe years, that he shall not do with his life for his own benefit what he chooses to do with it.
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(Dworkin 2005: 308) Below I consider reasons to identify moralistic  4 Jun 2013 Coercive Paternalism, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 212pp., $95.00 (hbk) , ISBN 9781107024847. Reviewed by Gerald Dworkin,  According to another, frequently cited, definition by Gerald Dworkin, it is "the interference with a person's liberty of action justified by reasons referring exclusively to  8 These include Gerald Dworkin, 'Paternalism', The Monist 56 (1972) 64-84; Bernard Gert and Charles M. Culver, 'Paternalistic behavior', Philosophy and Public  Then, using John Stuart Mill's harm principle and idea of utilitarianism and Gerald Dworkin's theory of paternalism, this Note postulates how the federal  Medical Ethics.2nd ed.

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Paternalism is justified only in those cases that rational, prudent beings would agree to have their freedom limited.