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Coreper II -komitean vastuualueita ovat: This site uses cookies. By accepting cookies you can optimise your browsing experience. Accept Refuse More Refuse More Coreper II 22-Feb-2017 Add to My Calendar Shar e this Event The Presidency & EU About the EU; What is the Presidency? Council Dear Council of the EU, Under the right of access to documents in the EU treaties, as developed in Regulation 1049/2001, I am requesting: For the COREPER II meetings held on 26 September 2018 (Meeting n°269291), on 3 October 2018 (Meeting n°269301), and on 4 October 2018 (Meeting n°272951): COREPER (Comité des Représentants Permanents) je do češtiny překládán jako Výbor stálých zástupců.Jedná se o klíčovou součást Rady, jejíž původ můžeme dohledat již několik dekád před samotným vznikem EU. COREPER II and weekly EU ministerial meetings to be carried via teleconference over coronavirus fears. By New Europe Newsroom.
Färdigförhandlad II-punkt från möte i Coreper II 2012-06-20 som kan tas som 2(a) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Troliga A-punkter inför kommande rådsmöten som godkändes vid Coreper II. 1. Case before the General Court of the European Union = Case T-558/12 Reetta Härönoja. Ambassadråd.
Marianne Huusko-Lamponen biträdande chef för Finlands
Maili LIIVAMÄE – esinduse juhi abi Koordineerimine. Julika LUTS – nõunik. Antici, Coreper II koordineerimine . Kristo PÕLLU – atašee.
Minna Kivimäki appointed Finland's Coreper I representative
COREPER II (välis-, justiits-, sise- ja rahandusküsimused) Tel + 32 2 227 4312 Aivo ORAV. suursaadik, alaline esindaja . Maili LIIVAMÄE – esinduse juhi abi Koordineerimine.
Mr Hanno PARKSEPP Third Secretary. Brexit, horizontal coordination; Phone +32 2 227 4357 Ms Nele HOLLO Second Secretary, Legal Adviser
Coreper i 's meetings are prepared by 2 groups, each named after its first chairperson: 'Mertens Group i ', which prepares the work of Coreper I i 'Antici Group i ', which prepares the work of Coreper II. These informal groups help to form an initial idea of the positions that the various member state delegations will take at the Coreper meeting. Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU 2021 is committed to transparency in all procurement processes. (COREPER II) Brussels. Read more. Expert or
Subject: Coreper II, comprising the Permanent Representatives, deals with political, commercial, economic or institutional matters.
Körkort nytt namn
Read more. Expert or Subject: Coreper II, comprising the Permanent Representatives, deals with political, commercial, economic or institutional matters. It prepares the ground for the following Council configurations: GAC, FAC, ECOFIN, JHA. Coreper II Spokesperson, Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU in Brussels +32 473 523 824.
COREPER II čine stalni predstavnici država članica, koji se bave političkim pitanjima i onima koji su vezani za drugi i treći stup EU-a. Suomen Coreper II edustaja on pysyvä edustaja, suurlähettiläs Marja Rislakki Kuva: Johanna Kaprio. Coreper työskentelee kahdessa eri kokoonpanossa, jotka erotetaan toisistaan roomalaisilla numeroilla I ja II. Coreper II -kokouksiin kokoontuvat jäsenmaiden EU-edustustojen pysyvät edustajat. Coreper II -komitean vastuualueita ovat:
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Dagordningar för Coreper II - Consilium
Hanno PARKSEPP – 3. sekretär I Coreper II ingår de ständiga representanterna, ”EU-ambassadörerna”, medan de biträdande ständiga representanterna ingår i Coreper I. Corepers sammanträden bereds av Anticigruppen för Coreper II och Mertensgruppen för Coreper I. Om en ständig representant eller en biträdande ständig representant inte kan delta vid ett Coreper II - Suomen pysyvä edustusto Euroopan unionissa. EU:n monivuotinen rahoituskehys +32 473 535 195 +32 2 287 8524; Maija Skyttä Erityisasiantuntija This is a video backgrounder explaining the workings of the Committtee of Permanent Representatives of the European Union, commonly known as Coreper.
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Coreper II - Consilium
COREPER II – az állandó képviselők; általában ők foglalkoznak a politikai, külkapcsolatokat érintő és pénzügyi/költségvetési kérdésekkel és a következő tanácsok munkáját segítik EU-nämndens skriftliga samråd 2016/17 Skriftligt samråd med EU-nämnden om en förväntad A-punkt, färdigförhandlad under förra veckans Coreper II v.