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Schibsted B SCHB - Köp aktier Avanza

2019-07-10 · We hereby invite you to participate at the presentation of the Q2 2019 report of Schibsted Media Group on 16 July 2019 Quarterly Earnings SCHIBSTED ASA. Anders Christian Rønning Investor Relations Officer. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 2017-11-21 · Schibsted ASA ("Schibsted" or "the Company") announces an offering of up to 11,880,397 B-shares, equal to 5.2% of the existing share capital of the Company Head of Investor Relations. Jann-Boje Meinecke VP, Head of Investor Relations at Schibsted ASA Oslo-området, Norge Over 500 forbindelser We hereby invite you to participate at the presentation of the Schibsted Media Group Q4 2014 report on 13 February 2015. Quarterly Earnings Release Time: 13 February 2015 at 07.00 CET Interim Schibsted hosts Investor Days in London 9 October and in New York 10 October 2013. The presentation material and more information is available on | October 9, 2013 SCHIBSTED ASA. Anders Christian Rønning Investor Relations Officer. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Köp aktier i Schibsted B - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.

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Today options in the Schibsted share have been issued to cover part three of the three-year rolling options program targeted at key persons within Schibsted. The exercise price was in year 2001 NOK 100, in year 2002 NOK 93, in year 2003 NOK 98, and it is NOK 120 this year. Investor Relations Contact Jann-Boje Meinecke VP, Head of Investor Relations Switchboard: +47 23 10 66 00 Phone: +47 941 00 835 Malin Langtvet Investor Relations Officer Switchboard: +47 23 10 66 00 Phone: +47 916 86 710 21 rows Schibsted – Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) – Key information relating to the proposed cash dividend for 2020 by Schibsted ASA 2021-02-12 12.2.2021 07:30:00 CET | Schibsted | Additional regulated information required to be disclosed under the laws of a member state Dividend amount: NOK 2.00 per share Declared currency: NOK Last day including right: 06 May 2021 Ex-date: 07 May 2021 […] Investor relations Capital Markets Day 2021. Schibsted ASA, Adevinta ASA and eBay Issue Update on Proposed Transaction of eBay Classifieds Group. Adevinta’s Proposed Acquisition of eBay Classifieds Group: Update from the UK Competition & Markets Authority.


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This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Annual Schibsted Media Group will hold an Investor Seminar in Barcelona 14 November 2017. The event is will start at 16:00 and is intended to last for 2-3 hours.

Schibsted asa investor relations

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Schibsted asa investor relations

VP Investor Relations. Tel: +47 415 08 733 The Board of Schibsted ASA has resolved to initiate a buyback of up to 2% of outstanding Company shares during Q3 2019) r Y 2018 2019 s 2019 2018 a 8 5 s 6 1 % 4 1 s 9 5 % 854 975 A 557 518 % % % n % % s 9 4 s 8 2 % 6 6 A 0 895 % % % n % % 0 3 T 603 623 % 484 673 353 315 % 0 0 ) 4 4 % Investor Relations.

The articles of association of Schibsted has been updated accordingly and are available on Schibsted’s website Adevinta has issued a total of 238,401,761 new shares divided into 107,747,388 A-shares and 130,654,373 B-shares (the “ Consideration Shares “), representing approximately 35% of the issued shares in Adevinta following completion of the two demergers.
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Schibsted asa investor relations

VP Investor Relations. Tel: +47 415 08 733. Oslo, 18 November 2014 SCHIBSTED ASA. Oslo, 9 April 2019: Reference is made to the stock exchange announcements regarding the separation of Schibsted ASA (“Schibsted“) and the establishment of Adevinta ASA (“Adevinta“) as a separate listed company comprising Schibsted’s classified media business outside the Nordics (the “Adevinta Business“). As described in the demerger plan and information brochure of 24 January Contact person: Jo Christian Steigedal, VP Investor Relations., Tel: +47 415 08 733.

Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) - Annual Report 2020 published (Nordic IR). 2021-03-26 17:00. 26.3.2021 17:00:01 CET | Schibsted | Annual financial  Schibsted ASA (SCHA/SCHB) - Invitation to the presentation of Schibsted's Q4 2020 results (Nordic IR). 2021-02-05 07:00. 5.2.2021 07:00:01 CET | Schibsted  SCHIBSTED ASA. Contact persons: Jann-Boje Meinecke Head of Investor Relations Mobile: +47 941 00 835 Atle Lessum ABG Sundal Collier ASA and Pareto Securities AS (the “Managers”) are engaged as financial advisors to the Company and as Joint See investor presentation  Investor Relations · Pressmeddelande · Aktien · Finansiella rapporter i Eniro AB, styrelseledamot i Telefonica Moviles SA, Schibsted ASA och i Tele2 AB. Nordic Semiconductor ASA Pagero AB; Styrelseledamot Schibsted ASA Cognite AS; Styrelseledamot Investor Relations · Nordea i siffror · Rapporter och  Nya Livförsäkrings AB, Nocom AB, Resco AB, Schibsted ASA, SEB Trygg Liv, för investerarrelationer samt kommunikationschef på Investor AB och Director  på 18 månader.
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Quarterly Earnings Release Time: 30 October 2013 at 07.00 CET Interim report 2019-07-10 · We hereby invite you to participate at the presentation of the Q2 2019 report of Schibsted Media Group on 16 July 2019 Quarterly Earnings SCHIBSTED ASA. Anders Christian Rønning Investor Relations Officer. This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. Welcome to SalMar’s Investor section. Here you will find updated and relevant financial information about SalMar.

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