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Christopher Kullenberg, CV - Medarbetarportalen - Göteborgs

Lead in Changing Scholarship: This Working Group was part of LIBER’s 2013-2017 Strategy. It aimed to build a knowledge network within European libraries with an interest in digital humanities. Since Digital Humanities remains an important topic for LIBER, this group has continued to work as part of our 2018-2022 Strategy. See the current Digital Humanities Working Group page. Digital Humanities Digital Humanities. New Poster on Forming Relationships in Digital Humanities. The Building Relationships sub-team of the LIBER Digital Humanities Working Group has published a new ..

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We will work in teams to build a knowledge network of European librarians working in digital humanities. We will be focusing on four subjects: LIBER feels that within the digital humanities, libraries play a pivotal role as stated in the strategic direction from the Draft LIBER Strategy 2018-22, ‘Libraries as a hub for digital skills and services’. Working Group Activities. This Working Group will focus on creating a knowledge network of libraries around digital humanities within LIBER DH Working Group Workshop: Digital Humanities Activities at Göttingen State and University Library 1.

The LIBER Conference (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche) in  4. Space & Experimentation: Library as laboratory/makerspaces, data visualisation, digital humanities, building services, innovative uses of institutional   18 Apr 2017 Keywords: infrastructure, digital humanities, data sharing, Overview of Research Infrastructures in Europe - and Recommendations to LIBER. fear the quantitative turn of Digital Humanities but hopes for a.

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Archives and special collections departments  Plattformssamhället: den digitala utvecklingens politik, innovation och reglering, och sociala medier i samspel och konkurrens, Stockholm: Liber. Humanities and the Digital, Cambridge, Ma & London: MIT Press, pp. Previous; 1-10 of 2,692 results for ""Other Humanities""; Next Human-Technology Relationships in the Digital Age : The Collapse of Metaphor in Biohacking.

Liber digital humanities

Kursplan för Digitala bibliotek - Uppsala universitet

Liber digital humanities

A Digital Humanities Reading List  15-22.; Amelia Sanz, “Digital Humanities or 2011, Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona, Barcelona29 june -2 julio 2011 LIBER  Digital Humanities is widely understood to mean the use of computer-aided LIBER - Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of  Moyle, M., J. Tonra and V. Wallace. “Manuscript Crowdsourcing:Transcribe Bentham”.

Digital Humanities. 127 likes.
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Liber digital humanities

Together, we are committed to the study of human cultures using computational approaches and to rethinking the role of the humanities in a digital … Feb 9, 2018 - LIBER’s Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group is gathering literature for libraries with an interest in digital humanities. Four teams, each with a specific focus, have assembled a list of must-read papers, articles and reports. The recommendations in this article (the second in the series) have been assembled by the team in charge… This video is part of the #dariahTeach platform (, an open-source, community-driven platform for high quality teaching and training ma Source - What are the boundaries of the humanities? What are the new forms of production of knowledge? Prof Digital humanities (DH) is an area of scholarly activity at the intersection of computing or digital technologies and the disciplines of the humanities.It includes the systematic use of digital resources in the humanities, as well as the analysis of their application.

Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. LIBER Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group Introduction.
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During recent Liber-seminar, libraries working with the Digital Humanities topics had a joint workshop. Based on the storify storyline below, there were presentations about the current state of digital humanities to the future. LIBER feels that within the digital humanities, libraries play a pivotal role as stated in the strategic direction from the Draft LIBER Strategy 2018-22, ‘Libraries as a hub for digital skills and services’.

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Cecilia Åsberg - Linköpings universitet

He is the subject head of  Europe's Largest Research Library Network | LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Research Data Management, Research Libraries, Digital Humanities, Metrics,  I samarbete med Libers digitala läromedel (som du kan testa här - 2012 (Engelska)Ingår i: Liber quarterly: the journal of European research libraries, ISSN digitization, digital libraries, national libraries, Digital humanities  av J Westin · 2015 — Te Centre for Digital Humanities at the University of Gothenburg was established in Disputed history: Trieste and the two 'liberations' signing the end of WWII.