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2015-03-01 · Laser speckle rheology (LSR) is an optical technique for assessing the viscoelastic properties of materials with several industrial, biological, and medical applications. In LSR, the viscoelastic modulus, G*(ω), of a material is quantified by analyzing the temporal fluctuations of speckle patterns. research and clinical medicine. We specifically focus on laser speckle rheology (LSR), a tech-nology that quantifies the mechanical properties of tissues in a rapid, noncontact manner. Approach: In LSR, the shear viscoelastic modulus is measured from the time-variant speckle intensity fluctuations reflected off the tissue. Laser Speckle Rheology (LSR) offers a novel, non-contact optical approach for evaluating the frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties of hydrogels. In LSR, a coherent laser beam illuminates the specimen and a high-speed camera acquires the time-varying speckle images.
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Laser Speckle Rheology for evaluating the viscoelastic properties of hydrogel scaffolds By Zeinab Hajjarian, Hadi Tavakoli Nia, Shawn Ahn, Alan J. Grodzinsky, Rakesh K. Jain and Seemantini K. Nadkarni Laser speckle Micro-rheology (LSM) is a novel optical tool for evaluating the viscoelastic properties of biomaterials. In LSM, a laser beam illuminates the specimen and scattered rays are collected through an objective by a high-speed CMOS camera. The self-interference of light rays forms a fluctuating speckle pattern captured by the CMOS sensor. Spatio-temporal correlation analysis of speckle Laser speckle rheology (LSR) is a new technique we have developed to measure the mechanical properties of tissue. By illuminating the sample with coherent laser light and calculating the speckle intensity modulations from reflected laser speckle patterns, LSR calculates τ, the decay time constant of intensity decorrelation which is closely associated with tissue mechanical properties.
Its spatial resolution is determined by the laser wavelength, the quality of the optics, the optical properties of the tissue, and the amount of pixel averaging to estimate the speckle contrast. Assessing blood coagulation status with laser speckle rheology By Markandey M. Tripathi, Zeinab Hajjarian, Elizabeth M. Van Cott and Seemantini K. Nadkarni Cite Hajjarian, Z. & Nadkarni, S. Compensation for causes of temporal fluctuations of backscattered speckle patterns in laser speckle rheology of biological fluids.
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Laser speckle reology för utvärdering av de viskoelastiska
Laser speckle rheology for evaluating mechanical properties of biomaterials: a pilot study. J Ruiz-López, AB Rodríguez-Aguila, A Yebra, AM Pozo, Here, we report the novel use of Laser Speckle Rheology (LSR) for measuring anticoagulation and haemodilution status in whole blood ▷. Pengaruh variasi Here, we report the novel use of Laser Speckle Rheology (LSR) for measuring anticoagulation and haemodilution status in whole blood allmän - core.ac.uk av S Larsson · 2019 · Citerat av 2 — Yanai (1973).
Laser speckle microrheology is used to determine a mechanical property of a biological tissue, namely, an elastic modulus. Speckle frames may be acquired by illuminating a coherent light and capturing back-scattered rays in parallel and cross-polarized states with respect to illumination. We specifically focus on laser speckle rheology (LSR), a technology that quantifies the mechanical properties of tissues in a rapid, noncontact manner. Approach: In LSR, the shear viscoelastic modulus is measured from the time-variant speckle intensity fluctuations reflected off the tissue.
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The LSR instrument is unique in that it probes larger depths (up to 2mm), over a large field of view (several cm), within minutes and can be operated with the push of a button at a fraction of the cost (~$5,000-10,000). Imaging modalities such as ultrasound, MRI and OCT can also effectively measure tissue stiffness. Laser speckle rheology (LSR) offers a new, noncontact optical approach. Laser Speckle Rheology (LSR) offers a novel, non-contact optical approach for evaluating the frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties of hydrogels.
By illuminating the sample with coherent laser light and calculating the speckle intensity modulations from reflected laser speckle patterns, LSR calculates τ, the decay time constant of intensity decorrelation which is closely associated with tissue mechanical properties.
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Evaluation and Correction for Optical Scattering Variations in Laser Speckle Rheology of Biological Fluids Zeinab Hajjarian, Seemantini K. Nadkarni* Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America Abstract Biological fluids fulfill key functionalities such as hydrating, protecting, and nourishing cells Laser speckle rheology (LSR) has been demonstrated to provide important information on tissue mechanical properties by analyzing the time scale of temporal speckle intensity fluctuations, which serves as an index of tissue viscoelasticity. Laser speckle flowmetry can measure CBF changes two-dimensionally in real-time over a large area of cortex. Its spatial resolution is determined by the laser wavelength, the quality of the optics, the optical properties of the tissue, and the amount of pixel averaging to estimate the speckle contrast.
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This innovation will provide important insight into mechano-biology of disease progression. Laser speckle microrheology is used to determine a mechanical property of a biological tissue, namely, an elastic modulus. Speckle frames may be acquired by illuminating a coherent light and effectively measure tissue stiffness.