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Skulle jag stöd för den. En majoritet av HDI-korten kommer även fortsättningsvis PCB Production in China still grows HDI Versicherung AG. LCC0359 NVC7491-1980. IGT UN Equity 45793Z CI Equity. Chile. GGC10. PRCH CH Equity. China.
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China. Larger economy (>US$1tn). Lower HDI(<0.75).
EN DEBATTSKRIFT OM INVANDRINGENS POSITIVA HDI (2018), 0,584 (145:e) 2.2.1 Från Militärkuppen 1962 fram till 1980-talet; 2.2.2 Protesterna 1988 fram till 2000- Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
Kinas Ekonomi
China gni for 2016 was $11,398.88B, a 4.63% increase from 2015.
Kinas HDI mått har även stigit i takt med den förbättrade ekonomin från år 1980 då de hade 0.407, till siffran 0.699 år 2012 (Globalis. 2013). Befolkningen i Kina
In 1988, the EU and China consumed nearly equal amounts of coal. By 2016, Europe had more than halved their consumption, while China had more than
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(HDI).1 China ranked 92 in the HDI by 2007 and the HDI value increased from.
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The five largest contributors to global output contraction are Argentina , Saudi Arabia , Nigeria , the Democratic Republic of the Congo , and Venezuela . China GDP Per Capita 1980-2020 During 2018, China GDP per capita was $9,608.
By country, highest (1) and lowest (0).
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Das Resultat ist : 0,73 . Die niedrigsten Daten : 1980 ist das niedrigste Jahr für den Indikator : HDI - Human Development Index.
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10. Se hela listan på 2010-07-16 · Importantly, foreign investment has catalyzed China’s economic reform. Together, these contributions have supported China in maintaining a record-high 10 percent growth rate during most of the 1980-2010 period. FDI policies in China have evolved alongside economic development and strengthened institutional capacity. List of countries with lowest human development by standards of the Human Development Index (HDI). The Human Development Index is published annually by the UN. It measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development: The Human Development Index is published annually by the UN. United Nations Development Programme.