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She still lays and is an excellent brood hen ! Must allow mama to raise babies! This is the third batch of chicks … chick’n and turk’y. beefless and porkless. fishless. meals. soups.
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When breeding and hatching Turken only about 90% come naked necked and 10% come with feathers on their neck. We only ship you the naked neck chicks, however they will also have offspring if bred pure that will be 10% feather necked. A black and white Turken rooster "Head Shaking" to the left of the screen. Chicks, Roosters, Ducklings, Ducks, Rabbits & Eggs Naked Neck (Turken) Chicks $3 (Bulverde) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting.
NEWEST UPDATE!There are three beautiful babies still looking for their forever homes! We have one yellow one and two black chicks. More will be hatching in a couple of weeks.
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Silkie hen and 10 (silkie & silkie Turken mix) chicks Available! I just don’t have time to raise anymore chicks !
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NEWEST UPDATE!There are three beautiful babies still looking for their forever homes! We have one yellow one and two black chicks. More will be hatching in a couple of weeks. I've been hatching out tons of Aloha chicks, and in every batch of 60-80 babies that I hatch, I'll scoop the the ones with distinctive naked necks out, and set them aside. I sent maybe a dozen to Deb in Tucson, and gave my neighbor (who loaned me the "original" Naked Neck hen) about six Aloha x Turken chicks… Turkens are excellent brown egg layers and are also good for eating.
Since the Light Brahmas are a month old we have to kee
The Turken, or naked neck, is naturally devoid of feathers on its neck. This unusual looking bird is a great conversation piece to have in the yard and is full of personality. They come in a variety of colors that add to the spectacle they create. Dunlap Hatchery is one of the few places that sell the bantam size. Please read before ordering. Important: Our minimum chick quantity is 20 per breed and sex.We appreciate your understanding as the global pandemic brought an unprecedented situation in 2020; we want to do everything we can to best serve you in 2021. My roosters are both Turkens, so the chicks will be 50% Turken.
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Online Date. 20 Mar 2013 12:00 am.
346 votes, 23 comments. 112k members in the BackYardChickens community. Interesting stuff for the small flock community and the humane big flock …
These are my first turken and EE babies, and I honestly am not sure how to sex them.
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Naked Neck chickens are recognized in 1965 in the American Standard of Perfection in four colors: red, white, buff, and black. This breed got their name Turken because originally people thought this bird was a cross between a turkey and a chicken. The bare neck characteristic is intentionally bred into the chickens. Some may say that the Naked Neck chicken, also called Turken chicken, is hardly the ‘best-looking’ chicken in the world.We agree with this!
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Suggestions. Turkey Chicks For Sale No Minimum Order The Turken/Naked Neck chickens are a great dual-purpose breed. They are simular to a turkey with no hackle feathers, given why they are knows as the Turken. Part Turkey, part chicken. Not really, but that's what some people think.